Thursday, 8 October 2009

Kevins Scooter and other mundane pastimes

Kevins scooter, well it's Roberts scooter but Kevin rides it, is now end of life in a sort of worn out crankshaft sort of way.

Noise and smoke is all you can get out of it instead of something useful like a ride up the road....

It will cost more than a 16yr old ever sees in their lives to fix. So yesterday it dawns on Kevin that he will need money to get a bus, so he's volunteering for paid housework. It's great the lawns are mowed and the house has been hoovered!

Mind you I still had to do an hours washing up and there are still no forks to be seen.

Anyway then he wants a lift to college anyway, so much for buses, obviously they are cold and dirty things to be avoided..

So I have been ferrying Kevin around all week and to and from college, my poor car is starting to wonder if I've got it in for it, all these strange new journeys, and in the middle of the night.....

I have done 200 odd miles and spent all this months petrol allowance and its still only thursday.

Well more later...

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